Thursday, August 23, 2018

Successful story of

Founder of
Livo young
Your are used many applications in your smartphone and some are your favourite and some are not favourite today we talk about that application are favourite for all world and they are king in people hearts and also playstore and appstore  and this application make milions of user in world in very short timeing and this app you used also earning by video creation and live broadcasting i am talk about app and you also used if u not used but you heard about this it is basically chinese video social network and live broadcasting app and he is famous of his starting this applucation mainly user make 15-30 sec video and also add a different soundtrack and timelaps,slowmotion and various speed option and this application is also comes in prest filters and different effects and they works more beatiful to your video we talk about features application so how to comes this concept so let's start from begin

This app are made by alex jhavu and livo yong they both are friend before work of this application they makes a education purpose application and user's are share a education knowledge by 3-5 min video and this idea are also good by invester's and thst's why they not search more invester after a colleting money next 6 month work for it and launched this  but this application are not success very well and alex and livo are making a this concept in enterment industry and they need a investor's but their previous idea is going to flop that's why no can invest and they used a previous app funding for a new project and this time they show anyone they are a successful and they are targeted on american teeager's for making this app because american teenager's are accepted any thing more fastly

In 2004 launched his offically version and ln 2005 this application attracted to people and after some time this application are got a number 1 placed on appstore and canada,garmany,brazil,u.k,japan and 30 other country free app are most downloaded application ln july2016 this application makes a 90 milion downloader's and every day more than 12milion video are uploaded and ln2017 acquire by bytedance technology company and this dill are between 800 milion dollar to 1 bilion dollar after the aquring this application takes big changes but his famous lipsinking are not changed and todays this feature are work excellent and ln 2018 he has more than 200milion user's and this thing
Founder of
Alex jhavun

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Successful story of youtube

World largest and biggest videos shearing app and webside youtube and you also see more video on it and after a google youtube world 2nd largest search engine by alexa global rank and this platfrom give's you oppournity to share your talent to world and at the time in youtube slove every solution on your question's you something know just search it and milion's and thousand's video's front of you so let's start to begin

Youtube start from paypal's three employee's whose name are jawed karim , chad hurley and steve chen hurley before working in paypal they studied at indiana university of pennsylvania and jawaid and steve studied in university of illinois so question comes in mind to where  Concept of youtube from come and divides in two parts according to  media they say's youtube concept comes at starting ln 2005 when steve's arrage dinner to his appartment and shouted video sharing they comes a problem's because karim are not attend the party that's why they see a video to enjoyment of party at the end steve's can not send a video and according to this concept they start to making webside on video shearing large file are also transfer and according to jawaid karim say's this concept comes ln 2004 at the concerd janid jacktion cloth's sliper in thier body and karim are see this video but they not see this video

Three are share his concept to each other and making the webside they inspired in hot or not webside this webside are online dating ln feb17,2005 the domain of youtube is registered and first video of this webside is me at the zoo ln april23,2005 and this video shooted in sand dego zoo and shooted by jawaid karim and this video are avaliable at youtube at now also and youtuber's come invester ln nov2005 and april2006 and they invest 11.5 milion dollar and at the starting youtube head office are located in sant martoyo on the restruant after that ln nov2005 siquoia comapny invest 3.5 bilion dollar

ln dec2005 youtube launched and 8lac view's are daily come's in this side and ln oct 2006 google announced they buy to youtube and nov13,2006 google buy a youtube officially and may 2007 youtube patern's programe are adsense ln this programme creater's give a money for a ad's on thier video and ratio are 45:55 ln 2010 youtube started online streaming and he first time see ipl 60 matche's ln march 31,2010 its change his fount's for making easy for user's and 2bilions people are watching video daily ln 2011 every minute 48 hours video launches and ln jan 2012 every minute 60 hours video and ln 2017 every minute 400 hours video uploading on youtube and day by day youtube are catching a new achivement's

Founder of youtube

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Successful story of motorola

American's multinational  telecommunication company motorola this company's make world first portable mobile phone and before some time this company is world largest manafecturing company and after some losses ln2007-2009 this company was sold and this story see a next before that let's start to begin

In 90 years ago ln 1928 the paul and joseph galvi two brothers started galvin manafecturing  company with 5 employess with his garage with 565$ working capital this campony basically started for making a battery after a start company his first product is battery elimenator this product are used for batter start also in electrical energy but this product are not taken his place in market for more times because radio technology are grow up fastly And after paul know people are set radio in car then paul says his engineer's to make a chip and best car radio and made radio by galvin manafecturing corporation for first look his choose the  radio manafecturing association after that people are mostly like that and company start to taking order's

Paul are give a different name for this radio that's why they give a motorola and motorola are making two product first motor- that means car and ola - means victrola and they sold first motorola brand radio ln jun27,1930 ln 30$ and this are take a big famous then company also change name to motorola after that he make's car radio receiver and they sold by police and corporations at the 2nd world war this company launches scr-536 and this give to much help for american militry ln 1927 motorola makes his first television maodel name is VT-71  and motorola's main bussiness are making radio and t.v's ln 1958 are launching of satelite motorola makes more product by nasa

Nil armstrong first time his sound send by motorola's transistor ln april3,1973 motorola launches his first portable phone whose name is DynaTAc and making by motorola's senior enginner martin cupper ln 1974 sold his television bussiness by panasonic parent company matsushita company in japan after focusing a making a phone motorola launches his first cellular phone whose name is DynaTAC 8000x ln 1984 and ln 1986 motorola comes with microTac and ultra Tac and his world biggest mobile making company but after coming a nokia ln 1998 they goes in 2nd rank and after that motorola launches his many best phone.

After In 2007 this company take's a big losses and ln jan4,2011 this company divided in two company first is motorola mobility and second is motorola solutuon's and ln 2012 google buy a motorola mobility and google sold in after two year with lenovo

Monday, August 20, 2018

Successful story of xiaomi

 Xiaomi is a chinese electronics and software compay and the main thing is the best features are avaliable in very chipely and this company knkw all world in some years xiaomi is a 5th largest company in world and after seeing the populatrity of this phone is also know as apple of china so guys lets start to begin

The lei jun are the founder of xiaomi and lei jun are born dec16,1969 in china after a taking a education in luhan university as a engineer and ln 1992 they start a work in king soft company as a enginner and ln 1998 they make a ceo of kingsoft after a two years lei making webside whose name is basically this are based on books and they go very well and ln 2004 they sell this webside on and amazon paid at 75 milion dollar and this time to make some big and huge

April6,2010 lei start xiaomi company with 7 employerss but this company started for making software for google android based and custom rome and his making MIUI from rear are successful ln 2011 xiaomi start work in hardware also and he launched his first phone is miui1 and pople are also liked it and after year xiaomi come with their new smartphone name is miui 2 and 10 milion units are this phone are sell in 11 month and xiaomi selling his phone austrila ,u.s,u.k, and newzeland with the help of mobicity company  ln 2014 xiaomi company valuation are make in 45 bilion dollar and ln july 2014 xiaomi launches in india and ln 2015 he launches mi4i and this persent in india's e-commerce webside filpkart and this model 1lackhs units are sell in 4.2 seconds and this company not look back

And xiaomi company are also made a laptops, wifi roughters and power banks ln 2014 forbs gives  bussiness man of year and at the time they are #23 reachist pople in china
Founder of xiaomi
Lei jun

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Successful story of apple / sucessful story of steve jobs

"your time is limited so don't waste it living someone else's life don't be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people thinking don't let the noise of others openions drown out yoir own innear voice and most important you have a courage to follow your heart and intuition they somehow already know what you truely want to become everything else is secondary"

Today talk about a american bussiness man, motivational speaker and interpreature steve jobs they born in feb24,1955 ,california in america when steve are born steve's mom are studying college that's why they not take for it after that they denote a steve to someone and paul and carla jobs are adoped a steve's paul are carla belongs to middle class family they have not sufficient money but they complete all wishes of steve's they take a primary education to monta loma high school and he take a admission for colleges study in read college in origan and this college is very expensive college and that's why their mom and dad work extra but they not pay that fee after that steve sell a coldring bottle at weekend and because of less money they go a temple for eat All work done but not collect a college fee and they live a college after that they a time gives their thinking bussiness

Steve and his school friend bogniyag are making operating system macintosh in steve's father's garage and for buying this operating system they make a apple computer but infficuint of money they not launches a system but this problem are sloved by mike marcula for giveing money and ln 1976 at the age of 20th they start a apple company and take a 2 billion dollar and 4000 works company make but this success is not is permenent because patern's not connected and some issue's this company popularity is decreases and company have a loan after a metting of board of directory and they decide to left the steve jobs ln 1950 and this is very curious incident of steve's life because for makong this company they are give all about and that company they kicked out and after lives a steve company it all in go to loan

After some time in moving in apple steves make a pixler and next-ink  two company and they are very successive and apple are slowly slowly goes downsiide and board of ministry of apple requested to steve's to join apple and ln 1996 steves join apple again and pixler are jointed in apple steves are making a ceo and they relesed 250+ products and steve's do first job they reduced a product in 10 and concerated them they belive's a quality not a quantity ln 1995 they launches a i mac in market and give a main popularity and apple not look behind and aplle launches i-pad and i-phones ln aut5,2012 they died due to pancreating cancer
Founder of apple
Steve jobs

Friday, August 17, 2018

Successful story of DELL

The founder of dell technology 'michel dell' they at the age 10 they start a investment and at the 12 age he invest a 2000$ and at the age 14 they invest more than their school techers income so let's start the story

Michel dell are born feb23,1965 at houston in america his father name is lexender dell and they are a dentist and his mother name is nill alfan and she is stock broker michel start learning from herod elementry school in houston and in chil phase they teching investment and bussiness topics at the age 10th they start the invest to his pocketmoney they earning more money for buying a post tickets at the age  12th they invest 2000$ and wait i am talk about 1977-1978 because that time 2000$ is for a child is very richness after that michel invest his money into share market and they take a profit 18000$ annually is bigger than their history techer annual income in small ages they look like a smart invester

At the age 15th dell parents gives a computer to a michel and michel are also very intresting in computer and they spend more time in front of computer after that michel comes in mind's how's computer works and they open all computer  parts and see them they not understand that's why they buy a another computer to another company and open it and some times they know well how computer works and their parts name

After that they tool a admission in university of taksas for learning biology now u thinking why they need a biology because their father a doctor and their wish michel is also a doctor ln college times they start assamble and buying a computer parts  now didn't won't to expensive computer because at their nessary thet they assamble a computer and assamble computer is chipper than other company's computer and this bussiness going fast that's why dell retaired a college and ln jan,1984 they open his company name is pc's limited and after some month jat jun they changes company name into ' dell computer corporation' slowly slowly bussiness take off because michel dell was work is nice and they give a good services

At 27th age he is youngest ceo and his company 'fortune' are comes in top 500 and now a days de company is one of the biggest technology company and michel dell is #37 richest person in world

                                                                       Michel dell

                                                 "follows your passion 

                                                           Success will follow you" 

Monday, August 6, 2018

Successful story of lenovo

Those people are used smartphone and laptops they know very well a lenovo  but some people don't know lenovo is chinanse multinational  company they also know lenovo group LTD.  Or lenovo pc internationals this company basically made laptop, smartphones, tablet, smartphone, smart t.v amd storing devices are develoo design and selling work do after 2013 lenovo is world largest p.c. vendor and todays they work more than 60 countries and 160 states the founder name of this company is liu chuanzi after a stargling they open a lenovo

In 1944  liu born zhenjing in china after passing school and gauration they pass all eaxam in military pilot academy but after that they are rejected in military then they take admission in xadian university of studing about computers  but their gauration sections is not take a His favourite subject they work as a radars In 1970 they work in CAS (china ascadmey of science) but they not satisfied in their salary they earn only 100 youan in per month and 1 youan is in indian caurancy is 9.75 approx 

Nov1,1984 liu open their own company with their 10 employers and the company name is legend they buys a more funding but that time in china no. Startup give by goverment then they go in making t.v and watches but they not successful not a so much knowledge to 10 employers ln 1985 they develope a circuit board for useful in computer and BMI company are buy their circuits and its also first success for liu and his company ln 1988 they open 1 more office in hongkong they joined that company with 5 employer and they distrubute the hp's and toshiba's computer for saving money they and their employer by walking and cycling distribute computer's 

Legend is biggest distributive company in china ln 1980 company start to  make their own computer and selling also after that this company is famous in china ln 1944 invest hinkong taxes envest and that time fanianxe is 30 milion dollar and company made 1 milion p.c 
In1997 legend is best selling brand in china ln 2000 dianise model selling more than 10 lacks copy's and this computer is best selling computer in china ln 2002 they start to making phones and ln 2003 computions with dell company they changes his name legend to lenovo ln 2006 lenovo buying window operating syatem in 1 bilion dollar 

                                                         Founder of lenovo
                                                           Liu chuanzi

Successful story of

Founder of Livo young Your are used many applications in your smartphone and some are your favourite and some are not favo...